Simple integrations with TimeEdit!

With our partner TimeEdit we deliver integrations between TimeEdit and Microsoft Outlook and Data loads from/to the TimeEdit platform.
We have a tight (fully supported, non-technical) integration with TimeEdit, based on our Qixium – Outlook Resource Booker module. With our TimeEdit processor we’re able to easily define, read and process TimeEdit timetable related information (bookings, activities) from TimeEdit and prepare this for Outlook (or, when needed, other target systems).
End customers get the advantage of optimal timetabling, combined with in-depth Outlook process and integration knowledge, a perfect combination!

TimeEdit – Co-created together with our 150+ customers, TimeEdit uses cutting edge technology to deliver the most comprehensive resource management suite to universities, school districts and individual schools worldwide. Built with flexibility, simplicity and complete resource control as the primary objectives, TimeEdit makes scheduling for even the largest organizations a breeze – just like it always should have been!
QIXIUM Integrations with timeedit
With TimeEdit we have 2 types of possible integrations with Outlook:
- Personal Outlook Calendar Sync – POCS
We synchronise student/teacher bookings with their personal Outlook calendars - Room Outlook Calendar Sync – ROCS
We synchronise room availability between TimeEdit and Outlook and vice-versa.
Please get in touch with your TimeEdit account manager to get more information about the possibilities for your TimeEdit environment! If you would like to get in touch with us, please follow this link!
We can provision TimeEdit systems with SRS data (or other types of data). With our TimeEdit connector it is very easy to extract data from TimeEdit!
TimeEdit, or actually Qixium needs to be connected to Exchange. Therefor we need to do some Exchange preparations. We’ve setup instructions to guide you! Click here!
TimeEdit needs to be connected to Qixium. Your TimeEdit consultant will guide you with all the preparations! 🙂